Leading lights - Experts
Wait, the Mona Lisa isn’t a great example of the Mona Lisa Effect?
The short answer: no, not really, according to new research. Mona Lisa’s gaze, or what has been called the Mona Lisa Effect for years, is the feeling that no matter […]
Survey of Swiss museums finds vast underrepresentation of women artists over the last decade
A recent survey conducted by swissinfo.cy and RTS, Switzerland’s public television, has found that over the last decade, male artists have vastly outnumbered female artists in exhibitions held at 80 […]
‘Bomb Peak’ aids researchers in spotting forgeries
In the 1940s, researchers made a monumental scientific breakthrough using carbon to date organic matter. We know the process as radiocarbon dating and chances are you learned about it in […]
Report finds that nearly 70% of the artists represented by major London galleries are men
In February, a study showed that in the US, a severe lack of diversity persists amongst artists that make up the collections of major museums. However, it seems like international […]
Forthcoming catalogue raisonné could render Brett Whiteley works worthless
Australian artist Brett Whiteley (1939-1992) made a name for himself creating vibrantly-coloured paintings of nudes and landscapes. Prolific in his work, his paintings have also been the centre of a […]
One lawyer’s take on returning Nazi-looted artworks: an interview with Orna Artal
Working to get an artwork back into the hands of its rightful owner, whether the rightful owner is a country or an individual, is no clear, easy science – there’s […]
An interview with publisher and printer Michael Woolworth
Photographs by Guillaume de Sardes Michael Woolworth is a printer and publisher. In his workshop located at 2 rue de la Roquette in Paris’ 11th arrondissement he makes prints exclusively […]