Archive for August 2019
Vendors to remain capped in New York City parks
When you picture walking through some of New York City’s most loved parks, some of the romance and character comes from the street artists, the book vendors, and the art […]
“A very simple secret”- sketches for Le Petit Prince uncovered
When a piece of work is translated into a language, it gives some hint at a desire for a culture and a people to consume the messages of the work. […]
Di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art responds to critical open letter saying they will downsize due to funding
On August 20th, more than 120 artists, curators, and dealers posed an open letter opposing the di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art’s decision to deaccession the majority of items within […]
‘Quasi’: the massive hand sculpture moves cities
Anytime an artist installs a public artwork, it inevitably attracts praise and criticism from locals. Well, Quasi, a 2016 sculpture by Ronnie van Hout has definitely had that response and […]
The art of running…and running routes
‘When I was a kid everyone thought I’d be an artist when I grew up – I was always drawing things,’ said Lenny Maughan in an interview with The Guardian. […]
‘Sensing Change’: an artwork in Chicago reflecting the weather
Weather and the arts have always had an interesting relationship. John Constable’s cloud studies verge on the obsessive, capturing the ever-changing sky. John Ruskin, the famous English art critic, once […]
Research shows complete under drawings in Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘The Virgin of the Rocks’
The Virgin of the Rocks is one of the London National Portrait Gallery’s most-visited paintings. Leonardo da Vinci painted the scene of the Virgin Mary with the infant Christ twice, […]